
Irina Kosinovsky irina at diego.cecer.army.mil
Mon Aug 29 11:36:49 EDT 1994

In info.grass.user you write:

>Can someone explain how g.setproj works.  According to the man page, it
>should prompt for the projection.  In practice howver, it seems to read
>the proj from DEFAULT_WIND.  The problem I'm finding is that the only
>valid proj: values are:
>	0:(xy)
>	1:(utm)
>	2:(state plane)
>	3:(ll)
>and g.setproj doesn't like anything else.  So how do I get nifty
>projections like aea,lcc,merc,tmerc?  Note this is the same list that
>comes up for me when making a new location.  Shouldn't that include all these

>Thanks in advance.

>Quinn Hart  (qjhart at ucdavis.edu)
>Dept. Land, Air, and Water Resources
>UC Davis

I think if you select "Other" (i.e. 99) when creating a new location,
g.setproj will ask you for a projection name other than those 4

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___|_\______irina at zorro.cecer.army.mil_____/_|__ 

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