Another DTED importer available

Chris Lesher clesher at
Wed Aug 31 15:01:52 EDT 1994

A new importer for DTED Level 1 CD-ROMs is available on moon's incoming
directory in the file m.dted1.cdrom.tar.Z.  A new command, m.dted1.cdrom, 
is provided for extracting one degree cells of DTED Level 1 from a 
CD-ROM.  The package also includes a program called dtedload.tcl, a 
Tcl/Tk interface that graphicly shows the cells available on a CD-ROM and 
allows the user to import cells by clicking on them.

At the moment, the programs have only been compiled and tested on a DEC 
Alpha OSF/1 platform.  I'd be pleased to hear from those few GRASS users 
who have access to DTED if the programs compile and run successfully on 
other platforms.

Chris Lesher (clesher at, LNK Corporation
c/o USDA Foreign Agriculture Service, Remote Sensing Branch, Wash. DC

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