surface area measurements

Bill Brown brown at
Wed Dec 21 19:05:20 EST 1994


I have an area estimate routine in a visualization module
I'm currently working on, so I cut it out and made a grass
module out of it called 

It basically just adds up the areas of 3D triangles which are
made from the squares between cell values of the "current"
region.  You can use the flag to tell it to use the other
diagonal when making triangles, then compare or average the
results (I'm still trying to figure out if there's a 
"correct" diagonal to use) The selection of diagonal seems 
to make about a 0.3% difference in area calculations for
a region in the spearfish database at 30 m. resolution.  

There are probably much better methods of surface 
area estimation, but to compare the effect of resolution,
this might work for you, and it's rather fast.

- Bill

What follows is the Gmakefile & C code:


PGM = 

OFILES = main.c 

	@rm -f a.out

/* main.c - */
/* Written by Bill Brown, brown at
 * All disclaimers apply - this was a quickie
 * December 21, 1994

/* Calculates area of regular 3D triangulated points in current region by
 * adding areas of triangles.  Therefore, area of a flat surface 
 * will be reported as (rows + cols -1)*(area of cell) less than area of 
 * flat region due to a half row and half column missing around the 
 * perimeter.

#include "gis.h"
#include "math.h"

typedef int FILEDESC;
double atof();

#define X 0
#define Y 1
#define Z 2

main(argc, argv)
    int argc;
    char *argv[];

    struct Option 	*surf, *vscale;
    struct Flag 	*tdir; 
    char 		*cellmap, errbuf[100];
    CELL		*cell_buf[2];
    int 		row;
    struct Cell_head	w;
    FILEDESC    	cellfile = NULL;
    double 		xarea, sz;

    G_gisinit (argv[0]);

    surf = G_define_option();
    surf->key                    = "input";
    surf->type                   = TYPE_STRING;
    surf->required               = YES;
    surf->multiple               = NO;
    surf->gisprompt              = "old,cell,Raster";
    surf->description            = "Raster file for surface.";

    vscale = G_define_option();
    vscale->key                    = "vscale";
    vscale->type                   = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    vscale->required               = NO;
    vscale->multiple               = NO;
    vscale->description            = "Vertical scale";

    tdir = G_define_flag ();
    tdir->key = 't';
    tdir->description = "Reverse triangulation direction";

    if (G_parser (argc, argv))
	exit (-1);

	sz = atof(vscale->answer);
    else sz = 1.0;

    G_get_set_window (&w); 

    /* open cell file for reading */
	cellmap = G_find_file2 ("cell", surf->answer, "");
	    sprintf(errbuf,"Couldn't find raster file %s", surf->answer);

	if ((cellfile = G_open_cell_old(surf->answer, cellmap)) == -1) 
	    sprintf(errbuf,"Not able to open cellfile for [%s]", surf->answer);

    cell_buf[0] = (CELL *)G_malloc (w.cols * sizeof (CELL));
    cell_buf[1] = (CELL *)G_malloc (w.cols * sizeof (CELL));
    CELL *top, *bottom;
	for (row=0; row < w.rows-1; row++){
		G_get_map_row(cellfile, cell_buf[1], 0); 
	    G_get_map_row(cellfile, cell_buf[row%2], row+1); 
	    add_row_area(top, bottom, sz, &w, tdir->answer, &xarea);


    { /* report */
    double reg_area, flat_area;

	flat_area = (w.cols-1) * (w.rows-1) * w.ns_res * w.ew_res;
	reg_area = w.cols * w.rows * w.ns_res * w.ew_res;

	fprintf(stderr,"Surface Area: %.12lf\n", xarea);
	fprintf(stderr,"Flat Area: %.12lf\n", flat_area);
	fprintf(stderr,"Region Flat Area: %.12lf\n", reg_area);
	fprintf(stderr,"Estimated Region Surface Area: %.12lf\n", 
		reg_area * xarea/flat_area );


add_row_area(top, bottom, sz, w, dir, xarea)
CELL *top, *bottom;
double sz;
struct Cell_head	*w;
int dir;
double *xarea;
double mag, tedge1[3], tedge2[3], crossp[3];
int col;

	for(col = 0; col < w->cols-1; col++) {
	    if(dir){ /* ul to lr diag */
		tedge1[X] = w->ew_res;
		tedge1[Y] = -w->ns_res;
		tedge1[Z] = sz * (bottom[col+1] - top[col]);

		/* upper */
		tedge2[X] = 0.0;
		tedge2[Y] = w->ns_res;
		tedge2[Z] = sz * (top[col+1] - bottom[col+1]);

		v3cross(tedge1, tedge2, crossp);
		v3mag(crossp, &mag);
		*xarea += .5 * mag;

		/* lower */
		tedge2[X] = -w->ew_res; 
		tedge2[Y] = 0.0;
		tedge2[Z] = sz * (bottom[col] - bottom[col+1]);

		v3cross(tedge1, tedge2, crossp);
		v3mag(crossp, &mag);
		*xarea += .5 * mag;

	    else{ /* ll to ur diag */
		tedge1[X] = w->ew_res;
		tedge1[Y] = w->ns_res;
		tedge1[Z] = sz * (top[col+1] - bottom[col]);

		/* upper */
		tedge2[X] = -w->ew_res;
		tedge2[Y] = 0.0;
		tedge2[Z] = sz * (top[col+1] - top[col+1]);

		v3cross(tedge1, tedge2, crossp);
		v3mag(crossp, &mag);
		*xarea += .5 * mag;

		/* lower */
		tedge2[X] = 0.0; 
		tedge2[Y] = -w->ns_res;
		tedge2[Z] = sz * (bottom[col+1] - top[col+1]);

		v3cross(tedge1, tedge2, crossp);
		v3mag(crossp, &mag);
		*xarea += .5 * mag;

	} /* ea col */

    fprintf(stderr," %.12lf\r", *xarea);

/* return the cross product v3 = v1 cross v2 */
v3cross(v1, v2, v3)
double v1[3], v2[3], v3[3];
        v3[X] = (v1[Y]*v2[Z]) - (v1[Z]*v2[Y]);
        v3[Y] = (v1[Z]*v2[X]) - (v1[X]*v2[Z]);
        v3[Z] = (v1[X]*v2[Y]) - (v1[Y]*v2[X]);

/* magnitude of vector */
v3mag(v1, mag)
double v1[3], *mag;
    *mag = sqrt(v1[X] * v1[X] + v1[Y] * v1[Y] +v1[Z] * v1[Z]);

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