grass4.1 -f (okay, last time :)

James Darrell McCauley mccauley at
Wed Feb 2 23:45:30 EST 1994

Darrell McCauley (mccauley at writes on 27 Jan 94:
>that is, if [ "$first" != "-f"]
of course, there should be a space. Copied directly from a *working*

> first=${1:-"NULL"}
> if [ "$first" != "-f" ]
> then
> $ETC/gis_set
> case $? in
>  0) ;;
>  *) exit ;;
> esac
> fi

The same kind of if/fi wrapper should probably be put
around the pesky "GRASS SESSION WRAPUP."

I suppose that it might also be nice to to have a "-e"
flag (or "e=xxx") to execute only one command and
then exit grass immediately, but I'm not sure if
I could make this work with all shells.


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