extracting 1 degree DEM's
Stephen G. Skartvedt
sskartvedt at igc.apc.org
Thu Feb 3 17:53:44 EST 1994
Hello all -
I'm having trouble converting a one degree DEM into GRASS
format. I ftp'ed two DEM's from 'resdgs1.er.usgs.gov',
created a new LOCATION in lat/long. But when I use
m.dem.examine or m.dem.extract I get a zero coordinate
for one edge. GRASS also insists on reading it as UTM
file #1
min elevation: 0.000000 max elevation: 130.000000
ns_res: 0.000000 ew_res: 0.000000
# of columns in file = 0
file north UTM = 136800.000000
file south UTM = 133200.000000
file east UTM = 0.000000
file west UTM = -446400.000000
So the values are all messed up. Any ideas what I am
doing wrong??
Stephen Skartvedt
Golden Gate NRA
sskartvedt at igc.apc.org
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