no subject headings on bug reports

Scott Wade wade at
Mon Feb 7 13:32:21 EST 1994

Nancy Taafe, Office of GRASS Integration, USACERL, mentioned that "grassbug"
is getting many messages without subject lines.  You might want to check
"" in the GRASS release.  That is how many folks report
bugs - they type "" and the command name - it prompts for
input regarding the questionable command, and AUTOMATICALLY sends the e-mail
message to grassbug.

The script simply sends the message with:

    mail $BUG_PERSON

The manual entry for mail mentions a "-s" option for "mail".
This allows the user to type a subject line (in quotes if more
than one word, no doubt).  Presumably ('presumably' because I have not
tested it myself), the script could read (in all cases where the mail
line is used!):

    mail -s $1 $BUG_PERSON

where $1 is the command-line argument to that is the name of
the questionable/buggy GRASS command.

This might be a problem to implement if "mail" does not behave
the same at all sites (i.e., if the "-s" option is not universal).

The "" file is found in "$GISBASE/scripts".

[ Hey, I just realized that this is a bug report about bug reports.... :-}  ]

Scott Wade   wade at
My words, NOT my employer's....

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