controlling monitor size

Scott Wade wade at
Fri Feb 11 08:00:43 EST 1994

> Date: Fri, 11 Feb 94 08:46:05 EST
> From: aaxon at (Allan Axon)
> To: grassu-list at
> Subject: controlling monitor size
   Allan Axon asks:

> Is there any way to control the size of the graphics monitor?

    Yes, but it is poorly documented (if at all).

    These variables can be set by the user, and are used by "d.mon"
    to control the graphic monitor size and placement:


    The user can specify units (in screen pixels) for each variable.
    Defaults are used if the variables are not set.

    In the c-shell, the user can use "setenv", e.g.:

       setenv XDRIVER_HEIGHT 500
       setenv XDRIVER_WIDTH 620
       setenv XDRIVER_LEFT 520
       setenv XDRIVER_TOP 40

    This example would place the monitor 520 pixels to the right of the
    left edge of the screen and 40 pixels below the top of the screen.

    I never type these variables out - I have my preferred set-up in the 
    ".grass.cshrc" file that is automatically read whenever the user starts
    GRASS.  The four lines in my example are in that file (where I also
    store aliases that I commonly use in GRASS).  

    A user could set these variables in scripts to fit different
    applications, if desired....

    Scott Wade   wade at
    my words, NOT my employer's...

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