r.in.ascii r.out.ascii

martijn at scanner.frw.uva.nl martijn at scanner.frw.uva.nl
Tue Feb 22 07:12:08 EST 1994

On 14 Feb 1994, Anuj Bansal wrote:

> hi 
>    i am trying to export a raster map and want to put it back, but i
> am not able to recover the original map. The colors don't come back
> properly .Please help .Thanks for the help
You gotta remember two things: first, Grass compresses raster maps. If 
you r.out.ascii them, be sure they're uncompressed. Second, all new 
raster maps get default color tables assigned by Grass. If you don't like 
the colors or want to reassign the colors from some other raster map, use 
r.colors or d.colors to change all or individual colors, or copy an 
existent color file (colr directory) to create a color table for your 
re-imported map.

Martijn van Leusen

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