v.digit and the COMPLOT Series 7000 digitizer

S. E. Walker guernsey at holstein.age.uiuc.edu
Wed Feb 23 14:44:03 EST 1994

	Our digitizer works great with GRASS4.1 v.digit ... when
it works.  However, about 50% of the time, the digitizer and GRASS4.1
running on a SUN sparc 2 just do not seem to be communicating.  SOme
combination of logging out and back in again, turning the digitizer off
and back on, and rebooting the SUN usually gets things going again,
but now that we are starting to get serious about digitizing, this
process is getting annoying.  Can anyone think of any parameter, inside
or outside of GRASS, that could get reset by changing the swap space,
multiple users using GRASS, ....????  Is there some memory-related thing
I can look at to try and establish a pattern?

	Thanks for any advice.

Sharyl Walker
Agricultural Engineering
University of Illinois
guernsey at holstein.age.uiuc.edu

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