Help with v.import

S. E. Walker guernsey at
Thu Feb 24 15:23:35 EST 1994

	I want to take an ascii file of x,y coordinates
(in UTMs) which define the boundary of an area and create
a GRASS4.1 map.  The original ascii file has no headers --
just the x,y coordinates (x and y separated by spaces, 1 coordinate
pair per line).

	What I've tried so far is the following:
		1) Edit the original ascii file to look like
		   an ascii arc file according to the example
		   in the Programmer's Manual.  That is, I 
		   added header information, put in arc type
		   and no. of coordinate pairs, and switched
		   the values to y,x format.  I stored this
		   modified file under the dig_ascii subdirectory
		   of my mapset.
		2) Next, I ran v.import using option 3 to
		   convert an ascii vector file to GRASS vector 
		   format.  This seems to run OK, but when I
		   try to display the map, I get nothing.

	Am I missing some important steps?  Is there an easier
way to convert a straight ascii file to something GRASS can use?

	Thanks for any advice.

Sharyl Walker
Dept. of Agricultural Engineering
University of Illinois
guernsey at

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