v.to.rast conversion

John L Sparco sparco at bach.udel.edu
Mon Jan 10 20:02:51 EST 1994

I have been attempting to convert a
vector area layer to a raster layer using
v.to.rast.  The problem I am having is
that the vector layer contains a polygon
that is wholly encloses by another
polygon.  When executing a d.what.vect,
the proper attribute value is returned
for this lake.  However, after the
conversion, the raster layer has "no
data" for the lake.  Is this a known
problem with v.to.rast?  I have checked
for overlapping areas and there are none.
I was able to circumvent the problem by
importing the lake separately and doing
an r.patch.  This seems like a roundabout
way of doing it.  Any comments would be

John Sparco

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