v.proj from utm to state plane

John L Sparco sparco at bach.udel.edu
Thu Jan 27 09:50:01 EST 1994


I am trying to convert vector areas from utm to state plane using v.proj. 
When the conversion is done, most of the areas don't transfer.  If I look
at the dig_att file, it appears to be trashed.  Instead of

   A  easting  northing  cat,

I get

   binary garbage  easting northing cat.

Some areas have only one coordinate.  Others are dropped completely.  Both
locations have valid PROJ_INFO files.  I found a reference to improperly
formatted coordinates in v.proj under BUG_FIXES but it is not in updates
1-3.  I also found a footnote in the programmer guide that state plane is
not fully supported.  Which of these, if any, is my problem? 

John Sparco

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