hoffmann at urzdfn.kartographie.tu-dresden.d400.de
hoffmann at urzdfn.kartographie.tu-dresden.d400.de
Fri Jan 28 17:05:14 EST 1994
On behalf of my colleague, prof. Tikunov (Dept. of Cartography&Geoinformatics)
at Moscow State University, I'm resending the announcement and call for paper
for the first INTERCARTO to be held this Spring in Moscow (Russia).
Prof. Tikunov has limited email connectivity still yet, therefore, I am very
pleased to help him to distribute the first info circular through GIS netland
for your attention.
F. Hoffmann /DD
Geoinformatics and Ecology
An announcement and call for papers
Title of the conference:
23-25 May 1994 (Moscow, Russia)
Since 1973 the AutoCarto conferences are held by American
scientists and since 1981 their European colleagues start organizing
the EuroCarto conferences. Every year or two these conferences focus
the attention of cartographers, geographers and other specialists on
the most topical problems of our times. We hope that the new
InterCarto conference held in Russia which belongs both to Europe and
Asia will gain a world-wide statute and draw in the scientists from
different countries.
The topics listed below are intended as suggestions; full
consideration will be given to papers on other relevant subjects.
Preliminary topics of interest:
1. GIS - Theory, Methodology, Applications in the Environmental
2. Environmental GIS Applications and Mapping;
3. Automated Mapping and Technologies;
4. Socio-Economic Mapping and Ecology;
5. Urban Planning, Management and Environmental Problems;
6. Ecological Modelling and Forecasting;
7. Health Research with GIS;
8. Cartographic Education and Training.
Conference will be organized by Department of Cartography and Geoin-
formatics (Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University).
Please submit three copies of your paper to Programme Committee
by 15th January 1994. Manuscripts should be in English and not more
than 8-10 pages.
Advanced registration fee is US$ 130 (postmarked on/before
January 1, 1994) and regular registration fee is US$ 165 (including
Proceedings, city excursion and farewell dinner). Accommodation,
meals, refreshments and conference's transportation will be provided
throughout the conference for all participants, also. It will cost US
$ 65 a day.
For more information about the conference, please contact:
InterCarto conference Phone: (7 095)939-53-26; (7 095)936-14-98
Moscow State University FAX: 7 095 932-88-36; 7 095 939-01-26
Faculty of Geography Telex: 411483 MGU SU
Moscow 119899 Russia
Name N. Author
City, State, Country
These instructions are designed to help you prepare camera-ready
copy for publication in the conference proceedings. These sample
page serve as a model for your completed manuscript, which must
be received on or before 15th January 1994 to be published in
the proceedings. Your paper should include an abstract of 150
words or less as a first paragraph. Text should be single spaced
throughout the paper. Double space before headings and between
paragraphs for clarity.
Manuscripts should be 10 pages or less, including figures and
tables. Type or print your manuscript on A4 International (210-
by 297-mm) paper. If possible, produce the manuscript using a
laser printer. Please use only one side of each sheet of paper.
If you use A4 International paper, leave 22-mm margins on the
sides and top, and leave a 3-cm margin on the bottom. Do not
type page numbers on the manuscript because all papers will be
repaginated for publication in the proceedings. Please use a
pencil to number each page of your camera-ready copy on back
Your paper will be reproduced in the printed proceedings exactly
as it appears when you submit it. Place main headings flush left
and type in ALL CAPS.
Figures and tables may be placed either near the text referring
to them (preferably immediately after) or in a group at the end
of the paper. Do not supply photocopies because they will
reproduce poorly. Double space before and after the figure
or table caption, and number the figures and tables
consecutively with Arabic numerals. Center figure captions under
the appropriate illustrations, tables captions upper one.
Cite references in the text by primary author and date.
Distinguish two or more publications by the same author in the
same year by using the letters a,b, etc. (Smith, 1993a). For
publications with two authors, cite both names (Smith and Mark,
1993); for more than two authors use "et al." (Smith et al.,
1993). Arrange the reference list alphabetically by the last
names of authors. References to books should cite author(s),
publication date, title, publisher, publisher's location and
page numbers. References to periodicals should cite author(s),
publication date, article title, periodical title, volume
number, issue number and page numbers. References to conference
proceedings should cite author(s), publication date, paper
title, proceedings title, conference location and page numbers.
Please double space between each reference list entry. Following
is an example of a reference list entry:
Smith V.S. (1993) Geoinformatic and cartographic problems of
Russian Environmental Programmes. - Mysl Publ., Moscow, 71 p.
Smith V.S. (1993) Geoinformatic and cartographic problems of
Russian Environmental Programmes. - Vestn. Mosk. un-ta, ser.
geogr., v. 7, N 1, pp. 7-17.
Smith V.S. (1993) Geoinformatic and cartographic problems of
Russian Environmental Programmes. - Proceedings Intercarto.
Moscow, pp. 7-17.
Please do not include a separate table of contents, list of
figures, or any foreword/preface material. Do not bend, fold, or
otherwise damage your manuscript.
Please mail your original, camera-ready copy and two extra
copies to InterCarto conference (prof. V.S.Tikunov), Moscow
State University, Faculty of Geography, Moscow 119899 Russia.
InterCarto conference Phone:(7 095) 939-53-26
Moscow State University (7 095) 936-14-98
Faculty of Geography FAX:(7 095) 932-88-36
Moscow 119899 Russia (7 095) 939-01-26
Telex: 411483 MGU SU
Family name..........................First name................
Mailing address................................................
Accompanied by (family members) Name(s)........................
Arrival in Moscow at.......... on...........by.................
(airport) (data) (flight number)
Departure from Moscow .......... .......... ................
(airport) (data) (flight number)
I need hotel reservation.......................................
I will arrange my own accommodation............................
Number of room(s)...... Period of stay: Check-in............
Tour Advance Registration Price/ Total No. of
No. pers. $ $ pers.
Registration Fee
Received before January 1, 1994 130
Received after January 1, 1994 165
Social Program
Sightseeing, May 24 incl.
Scientific visits incl.
Reception incl.
Farewell dinner incl.
T1 Zagorsk 16
T2 Suzdal, Vladimir 40
(excursion, transportation, meals)
T3 St.Peterburg (2 days) 180
(excursion, transportation, meals, accommodation)
Hotel deposits 50/night
Grand total $.............
Total deposit: $...........
I (We) have remitted the above sum of grand total on...........
through my................................to the account at the
(name of your bank)
Bank of New York, N.Y. Account 8900055014 of International
Moscow Bank, Moscow for Avtovazbank, Account 35389DB0105 USD to
the favour of Joint Venture "Georam"- Moscow State University).
Note: we would appreciate your kindly sending us a copy of the
bank's receipt for remittance to avoid the possible trouble.
Date............. Signature..............
Please return this form before January 1, 1994.
We received preliminary applications for participation in the
InterCarto conference from Ghana, France, UK, Netherlands, USA,
Brasil, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Czech Republic, Poland,
Germany, Italy, Switzerland and Russia. Our American collegues from
GIS WORLD, Inc. are going to organize commercial exhibits and three
workshops GIS and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) Applications; GIS
and GPS Use in Government and Business; Overview of GIS Applications
before conference.
We should like to have full manuscripts for publication in the
Proceedings (camera-ready copy, 22 -mm margins on the sides and top,
3-cm margin on the bittom, single spaced throughout the paper - see
our instruction, sent you eatlier) till January 20, 1994 (if you want
to publish your paper). Please, send us information about your paper
as soon as possible. Our Proceedings will be published in USA and
some part of its will be distribute in Western World by GIS WORLD,
Please, contact me by FAX 7-095-932-88-36 or E-mail
(tikunov at env.geogr.msu.su)
Sincerely yours
Vladimir S.Tikunov
Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics
Moscow State University
December, 4 1993
Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University, Moscow 119899, Russia
Tel: +7-095-936-1498 Fax: +7-095-932-8836 Telex: 411483 MGU SU
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