Trouble installing on SGI

Steve Dzurenko steve at ocesun1.oce.uri.EDU
Fri Jul 8 15:02:30 EDT 1994


I'm attempting to install the binary release of grass4.1 from moon on an SGI
Indigo2.  I get into grass fine.  After setting the location, mapset, and 
database and hitting <ESC>, grass bombs with the following error message:

/usr/grass4.1/etc/ 675 Memory fault - core dumped
/usr/grass4.1/etc/ 676 Memory fault - core dumped
/usr/grass4.1/etc/ LOCATION_NAME: parameter null or not set

Has anyone encountered this problem?  I would be very grateful for any 
assistance.  Thanks.

-Stephen Dzurenko
 Ocean Mapping Division
 Ocean Technology Center
 Graduate School of Oceanography
 University of Rhode Island

 ph: 401 792-6853
 fx: 401 792-6849
 email: steve at

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