Importing maps having different resolutions

Robert Fraser (FO 1999) rfraser at
Wed Jul 13 15:06:17 EDT 1994

I have successfully imported layers from IDRISI (soils, DEM, etc.) and 
ERMAPPER (TM band) into GRASS using the program.  All of these 
layers have 30m resolution and the same number of rows and columns (i.e. 229 
by 417).

I am now trying to import a Landsat MSS band having 56*79 m resolution 
into the same LOCATION.  In ERMAPPER I windowed out an 87 row by 223 column 
area corresponding to the previous layers and created an ascii file.  The 
problem is, after I run and try to display the band, I get a 
series of discontinuous, coloured bands.

Does anyone know how I could resample my MSS band to the 30m resolution 
and bring it into my 30m resolution LOCATION?


Robert Fraser
Yale School of Forestry
Hydro Lab

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