Still trouble w/ Solaris

George Taylor oregon at chaos.ATS.ORST.EDU
Mon Jul 18 11:34:47 EDT 1994

If it's fifos you need then the following will generate them for you.
(At least it works under SUN OS 4.1.3)
I lost mine too when using a tar file to place GRASS on a new disk
and the following was extracted from the script.  Run under
the Bourne shell with the account that GRASS was created from.

Wayne Gibson
Oregon State University

for i in a b
        while test $fifo -lt 21
                if test ! -f $GISBASE/dev/fifo.$fifo$i
                /etc/mknod $GISBASE/dev/fifo.$fifo$i p
                chmod 0666 $GISBASE/dev/fifo.$fifo$i
                echo $GISBASE/dev/fifo.$fifo$i created
                fifo=`expr $fifo + 1`



> >
> >So I got past that problem.  But I get another error.
> >
> >Graph_Set: can't open 

> >Error - Can't set up pipe to graphics device.
> >Problem selecting x0. Will try once more
> >Error - Can't set up pipe to graphics device.
> >
> >I get that error for both x0 and x1.  This is using d.mon on Solaris2.3 from
> >the moon binary release.  Any more words of wisdom?
> >
> >-Stephen Dzurenko
> > e-mail: steve at

> Stephen,

> Did you rebuild the fifos?  It is my understatnding that they get "lost" in
> a tar.  Someone else will have to post on how to do that, but it is an
> operating system command.

> (The "fifos" are mysterious little beings that live in the device
> directories of GRASS code and binaries, where they slow down X signals in
> order to collect tolls or something.  Then they let the signals pass -- that  
> it takes so long for things to draw, etc.  :-)   )

> Ron T - Estes Park, CO - ront at


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