grass environment

Peter Mikes mikes at
Wed Jun 1 18:09:31 EDT 1994

>I am trying to set up a grass users group on our workstation so that
>multiple users can access GRASS........

    It looks like rass developers did not consider multiple accounts 
working on the same data. Grass expects users to own his/her mapset.

Solution we found acceptable is:

        1) create data directory tree in users account,

            cd ~/GIS/data    .. this is the GISDBASE (different for each user)

        2) crate symbolic links to  PERMANENT databases inside this GISDBASE

for example, if copy of real data for global is in /grass/data/global

          cd to cd ~/GIS/data/global  (in each users account)
          ln -s  /grass/data/global/PERMANENT $GISDBASE/PERMANENT

etc  in every's user account

            Here is a script which does it:

$ more  set_grass_data
# create users map spaces by linking to  PERMANENT
for mp in spearfish global imagery
  echo 'setting up ' $mp
  cd $GISDBASE; mkdir $mp;   ln -s  $GRASS_HOME/data/$mp/PERMANENT $GISDBASE/$mp/PERMANENT  
  ln -s  $GRASS_HOME/data/imagery/spearfish  $GISDBASE/imagery/spearfish  

           hope this helps - no guearantees  !!  pom at   Peter O

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