Help: mail trouble!

James J. Squadrito squadrij at
Tue Jun 28 15:58:05 EDT 1994


Could some kind soul help me out.  I mailed the list yesterday about my
mail account trouble, but I don't know if that message ever made it to the
list.  Well, it turns out there is a problem with the other workstation I 
subscribed to the list from.  To make a long story short, could someone either
tell me how I can access the postings from the last 3 days, or re-post any
replies to my Monday posting "tcltkgrass: yes or no?"  I am really eager to 
read any replies to my message and with my recent computer trouble, 
I have no access to postings to the grassu list for the last 2-3 days.  But 
I should definitely be set now.  Please help me out, THANKS!

-Stephen Dzurenko
 Ocean Mapping Division
 Ocean Technology Center
 Graduate School of Oceanography
 University of Rhode Island

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