GRASS 4.1 on Alpha/OSF -- any ports ??

Kenn Gardels (CEDR-REGIS) gardels at
Wed Jun 29 15:36:49 EDT 1994

Check out file://
for diffs to apply for AXP GRASS.  These patches do not include xgrass.


| Kenn Gardels                     Tel +01 (510) 642-9205                      |
| CEDR - 390 Wurster Hall          Fax +01 (510) 643-5571                      |
| University of California         Internet  gardels at          |
| Berkeley, CA  94720              Bitnet    gardels at UCBCED                    |

> Hello,
>   Has anyone had luck porting GRASS 4.1 to a DEC Alpha with OSF/1 ?
>   I have managed to get everything but Xgrass to build so far,
>   but do not know if everything functions.
>   Any diffs / sources for the Alpha available ?
>   Thanks in advance.
>   Mark A. Cartwright
>   markc at

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