
Craig Anderson caa at noaacdc.Colorado.EDU
Wed Jun 29 21:30:03 EDT 1994

>Does anyone know if there is an upper limit to the amount of sites, s.menu
>can convert to a rastfile? If I have a very large site file (139203 sites).
>s.menu seems to read the site file, but skips the SITES to CELL part, returning>to the main menu.....
>Smaller site files work okay.
>The alternative, s.to.rast does not work in a lat-lon mapset.
>Harm Olthof (holthof at ecnsun.ecn.nl)

	s.to.rast worked fine for me with a lat.long mapset just be sure
that when the site data is imported it is long|lat|#site format.  Complete with
the vertical bars and # sign if you want the sites to be labeled so.  See 
section 7 of the programmers manual and the s.to.rast man page.


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