ascii elevation data question

Patricia Woodman larwodmn at
Tue Mar 1 05:58:42 EST 1994

On Mon, 28 Feb 1994 lewis at NRC.WES.ARMY.MIL wrote:

> All,
> What is the best way to import elevation data that is in the form
> of x and y elevation values in an ascii file?
> Is my best bet? I want to make a binary raster file. I
> tried using but the resultant raster seemed to be a blank
> screen. Hmm. Well, any advice would be appreciated.
This has previously happened to me and it took me ages to work out why!
In my case it was because the LOCATION I was in at the time did not cover
the geographical area of the data being imported. In other words grass
displayed the correct layer but it was blank because there was not data in
that area, instead it was displayed somewhere off screen.

So check your region coordinates


Patricia (Paddy) Woodman                   Telephone (0734) 875123
Department of Archaeology                  Fax (0734) 314404
University of Reading                      Email larwodmn at
PO Box 218


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