interactive value determination?

Malcolm Williamson malcolm at
Mon Mar 7 12:59:16 EST 1994

> All,
> I am fairly new so please forgive me if this is an obvious question.
> I have produced some raster files using Grass tools and I want to
> be able to look at the raster file and, as I look at it, click on
> positions within the displayed raster and have the value at that point
> displayed, say, to standard out or a window or just anywhere that I can
> see it. I want to be sure the raster values produced are really doing what
> I think they are. Any suggestions?
> Lewis
> lewis at

d.what.rast is what you want. There is also a d.what.vect program.

One thing that any new user, and most experienced users for that matter, should
do is to periodically grab the GRASS manual and simply read the brief 
description for every program. Even if you don't remember a specific command,
at least you'll have an idea that a given functionality exists in GRASS. I know
that I cannot remember all of the GRASS commands! :-)

Malcolm D. Williamson - Research Assistant       E-mail: malcolm at
Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies      Telephone: (501) 575-6159
Ozark Rm. 12                                        Fax: (501) 575-3846 
University of Arkansas              
Fayetteville, AR 72701

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