Map-specific regions

Conn Copas C.V.Copas at
Wed Mar 9 08:58:46 EST 1994

Sue Huse offered the following useful advice:
> If you want to know the region of a currently displayed map:
> 1) g.region -p will tell you the current region - which is (unless 
> you just changed regions) the region that you used to display the map - 
> the region you are seeing.
> 2) g.region rast=rasterfile; g.region -p will change to the region
> used to create the raster file and then tell you what it is.  Otherwise
> more ...../cellhd/rasterfile.  I don't know of a better way.
There is actually a third thing I want to know, which is the region at which a
map was previously displayed. The scenario is this: I displayed something,
performed a zoom, changed the region to something else, then displayed more
maps. I now wish to offer the user the option of aligning all displays to that
original zoomed region. Can I do this without having explicitly saved that
zoomed region for future reference?

Conn V Copas  C.V.Copas at

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