digcap entry, Splus

David Houlder david at dart.anu.edu.au
Thu Mar 10 17:20:00 EST 1994

Hi all...

Does anybody have a digcap entry (i.e. grass 4.1 v.digit configuration) for a Summasketch digitiser? We have 3 flavours, from a 'plus' to a 'III professional', so a lowest-common-denominator configuration is what I'm after.

We are in the market for some new digitisers. Any good or bad experiences with particular brands/models that you would care to share? (e.g. value for money, dog to set up under grass, etc)

Thoughts for the day on grass-Splus communication:

Why not create a named pipe (with mknod p), then start up Splus like this...
	Splus < my.named.pipe
Then, when in grass you could just send the appropriate Splus commands down the pipe (you are at a shell prompt after all). Something like this might work...

	grassprompt% echo 'openlook()' > my.named.pipe
	grassprompt% echo 'xxx <<- scan()' > my.named.pipe
	..... then cat your dataset down the pipe, with a blank line at the end
	grassprompt% echo 'hist(xxx)' > my.named.pipe
Its just an idea. I haven't tried it, but it should work in principle.

Something else to check out may be 'Splus INTERFACE' which claims to be able to call S functions from other programming languages. 

David Houlder			        Phone:	+61 6 249 4613
Geography Department	       	    (In Aust.:	(06) 249 4613)
The Australian National University	  Fax:	+61 6 249 3770

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