Who does quantitative geomorphology with GRASS?
cmdrdata.SCS_FT_COLLINS.SCS_FT_COLLINS.APOLLO-1-PO.RSHEPHERD at cmdrdata.ftc.scs.ag.gov
cmdrdata.SCS_FT_COLLINS.SCS_FT_COLLINS.APOLLO-1-PO.RSHEPHERD at cmdrdata.ftc.scs.ag.gov
Thu Mar 10 11:01:27 EST 1994
We would like to get the names and addresses of people who
are using GRASS and DEM data to generate a stream drainage
network and the derivative quantitative geomorphic
parameters (Horton-Strahler or better). That is, who has used
GRASS to get stream orders, and number, length, slope,
drainage area, etc., per order? We know of this having been
done with ARC-INFO, and we know of Garbrecht's generation
of these data with Fortran, but who has done it with GRASS
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