Calcomp digitizer

Stuart Bradshaw bradshaw at lewis.enrd
Fri Mar 25 11:04:29 EST 1994

I've worked on setting up a 9100 series digitizer a couple of weeks ago
but at another location. This digitizer had a template on the top 
used with the puck to identify settings. It would be nearly impossible to
get the configuration correct without the manual. Besides setting the baud
, parity, etc you have to set the format the digitizer sends in and then
correlate this to one of the cc95f5_16 type digitizer formats that GRASS supports.

If your digizer is similar and you really can't find the manual, call m
next week and I can try to get the settings I used.

Stuart Bradshaw                     Phone: 206-967-5646
Ft. Lewis, WA                         Fax: 206-964-2488
       Email: lewis!bradshaw at

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