Lat/Long mapsets

Jim Nolan jim%sar_ws at
Mon Mar 28 08:18:29 EST 1994

2 questions:

	1.  Now that Grass has the capability to handle lat/long.
mapsets,  how is it handling calculations?  (, r.stats).

	2.  Has anyone ever had any experience with mapsets in which 
the longitudinal grid spacing changes with latitude?  For example, I 
have been asked to import data in the following format:

	Latitude range		Grid point spacing
	  (degrees)		     (degrees)

	45.00 - 59.75                   0.25
	60.00 - 75.75			0.50
	76.00 - 82.75			1.00
	83.00 - 85.75			2.00
	86.00 - 86.75			3.00
	87.00 - 87.75			4.00
	88.00 - 88.75			5.00
	89.00 - 89.25		       10.00
	89.50 - 89.50		       20.00
	89.75 - 90.00  		       30.00

How, if there is a way, would I be able to import this data?  To my
knowledge it is not possible to "float" the size of a mapset's cell



jim at

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