prettying up PostScript

Simon Cox simon at
Thu Mar 31 10:31:11 EST 1994

I'm a big fan of, since it gives the fexibility to
use  a variety of output devices (I have had success with
Canon Color Laser Copiers, Canon Bubblejets, Sun SparcPrinter (deceased),
and an Agfa slidemaker).  However, sometimes, it seems rather laborious
to put all the required annotation on through fiddling with
a script.  What would be nice is to generate the basic
output with the geographically critical elements included with, and then add an extra layer of annotation in some more
friendly wysiwyg application, like some drawing or painting package
on a Mac or PC.  I contacted the local Aldus people today, but
they tell me the well known packages do not import "raw" postscript,
and are flakey even with "eps", though the latter sounds like a better option.
Has anyone else wrestled with this one and come up with a nice solution?

btw, I do NOT want to convert the thing to a raster, as I like the high
quality lines and text that you get from, which I do not
think are available from GRASS in any other way.


Simon Cox

from May 1st (or thereabouts)        __  L     Dr Simon Cox                   
CSIRO Div. Exploration & Mining   ,~'  L_|\    VIEPS Dept of Earth Sciences,  
39 Fairway, PO Box 437,        ,-'         \   Monash University, Clayton     
Nedlands, WA  6009,  Australia (   soon     \  Vic 3168,  Australia           
      Phone +61 9 389 8421     X<~~~~~~~~~  /         Phone +61 3 905 5762    
      Fax   +61 9 389 1906      L,~'   "\_x/          Fax   +61 3 905 5062    
    s.cox at                    u  simon at

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