GRASS Beginner's Tutorial

Virginia R. Hetrick IARGRAF at MVS.OAC.UCLA.EDU
Mon May 2 11:43:00 EDT 1994

Having the IP number for the location of the beginners doc is not
terribly useful.  I FTPed to that IP number and was not able to
find anything by doing a dir.  Figuring that most sites have a
/pub directory for their stuff, I successfully executed  cd pub
but then still did not find anything by doing either a dir or ls.
Could somebody specify the full directory path in which this documen-
tation exists, please?

I'd also like to suggest to whomever owns this stuff that the
anonymous ftp site where it's presently resident is not terribly
useful in its present condition.  Given the length of time I've been
doing Internet things (more than 5 years), I would expect a newcomer
would find trying to get this doc incredibly frustrating.


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