[Q] how to change font for tcltkgrass

Tom Moore tmoore at pnfi.forestry.ca
Fri May 6 08:24:31 EDT 1994

In <9405061025.AA02687 at ev001.ev.nctu.edu.tw> cgrass at ev001.ev.nctu.edu.tw (Chinese Grass) writes:
>>>>> "Kao" == Chinese Grass <cgrass at ev001.ev.nctu.edu.tw> writes:

    Kao> I want to replace the tcltkgrass menu font by another
    Kao> font.  I will appreciate very much for any solution/hint
    Kao> to do so.

An easy way to do this is to change the default font used by tk.
You can do this by adding something similar to the following to
the property database for your X-server:
*Font: -bitstream-charter-medium-r-normal--25-240-75-75-p-139-iso8859-1
Read the man page for xrdb for more info about this.

    Kao> Is there any document for tcltkgrass?

Not at the moment.  However, there is good documentation for 
Tcl and Tk, and understanding how these components work is crucial.
There is a new book out called 'TCL and the TK Toolkit', by Dr. John
Ousterhout.  Well worth the price (about $30?).

Tom Moore                                       tmoore at pnfi.forestry.ca
Petawawa National Forestry Institute            
Canadian Forest Service, Box 2000, Chalk River  +1 (613) 589-3048
ONT K0J 1J0  CANADA                             +1 (613) 589-2275 telefax

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