LL "projection"

mike camann camann at pick.uga.edu
Tue May 10 14:00:06 EDT 1994

I'd like to chime in my endorsement of Jerry Evendon's recent "windmill
tilt": latitude-longitude is a coordinate system for referencing
locations on a sphere, NOT a projection.  This aspect of GRASS caused
me no end of confusion, and I consider it a fundamental bug, a
conceptual bug, if you will, that confuses two entirely distinct
concepts.  It is, I expect, an artifact of GRASS's having been
developed primarily for Army use at relatively local spatial scales,
e.g. a few USGS 7.5 minute quads.


Michael Camann                          camann at dial.pick.uga.edu
Department of Entomology                camann at phoenix.cs.uga.edu
University of Georgia                   (706) 542-1388
Athens, GA 30602                        (706) 542-2276


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