Joe Leone Joe.Leone at per.dwe.csiro.au
Wed May 18 21:46:32 EDT 1994

I have a copy of Xwin and am trying to run it on a 486 with PC-NFS. Some application work fine eg.
However,when I try to run GRASS I get an error messageas follows:-

> X1
X ERROR: BadMatch
  Request Major code 78 ()
  Error Serial #25
  Current Serial #26

Please start graphics monitor <x1>.
Error - Graphics monitor <x1> not running
Problem Selecting X1. Will try once more.
Please start graphics monitor <x1>.
Error - Graphics monitor <x1> not running

I have tried using winsock and pc-nfs
I'm not sure if this is a problem with the server or XWIN.
Can any one help?

Joe Leone
Email Joe.Leone at per.dwe.csiro.au

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