Compiling MAPGEN under Linux.

Tue May 31 14:16:22 EDT 1994

Has anyone successfully compiled MAPGEN under Linux yet?  I have had some
limited success but I'm not all the way there yet.  Some background:
I started with Changyong Cao's XIS collection of Linux, X-Windows, and
GRASS 4.1.  The installation went fine and the core routines of GRASS work
as expected (remarkably fast too even compared to our Sparcstation 2!).
We use MAPGEN a lot in our line of work so compiling that was my next
mission.  I started with version 4.0 which is what we use on the Sun with
GRASS 4.1 (since MAPGEN 4.1 had problems).  I was able to compile most of 
the source code but ran into problems while running "make.mapdef".
Since we want the latest version of MAPGEN my next step was to try and 
compile that.  I pulled version 4.11 off of the moon ftp site and tried 
compiling both on our Sun and on our Linux box.  The Sun compile went well
until I got to PROJ.4.  Need for an ANSI C compiler stopped me short there
and I should get my GNU compiler this week to finish that install.  I then
tried to compile under Linux and got through most of the code until I got 
to PROJ.4.
PROJ.4 does not have a Gmakefile but there is an "install" routine that 
apparently works for several machine architectures (Sun, DG, etc.) but 
not for Linux.  Thus, even though I do have an ANSI C compiler, I do not
have the proper "install" code to complete the installation.  
Has anyone figured this out yet?   
(Some postscripts---Apparently the topquark ftp site does not have Linux
binaries for MAPGEN.  I have yet to check the SCS ftp site since I do not
have their address but I am assuming that they are not dabbling in Linux.)
Brad Stewart
stewartb at

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