Solaris Bug!

Evan Preston preston at
Mon Oct 3 08:52:10 EDT 1994

Hello to all GRASS/Solaris users/programers:

If you have a ZX card, and are having problems with the XDRIVER (like I was
all last week) the problem is NOT with the GRASS software, or the way it is
compiled, or the version of OpenWindows or Motif that you are using.  The 
problem is with Solaris 2.3 and its interface with the ZX graphics card.

Suns Patch 101284 will fix it.  I was running patch 101284-02, but needed patch 
101284-08!!  (I don't know why it took me so long to realize this -- grrrrrr!).

I just wanted to share this with the GRASS community!

P.S.  Thanks to all who responded to my (frantic) postings last week!  Due to 
all of the responses I got, I was able to focus toward the real root of the
problem ---> Solaris!!

#     Evan B. Preston                            # Battelle                    #
#     phone:     614.424.3983                    # National Security Division  #
#     fax:       614.424.3776                    # 505 King Ave.               #
#     internet:  preston at # Columbus, Ohio  43201       #

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