Grass 4.1 grass at ocean.oce.uri.EDU
Wed Oct 5 13:05:53 EDT 1994


The caps and exclamation points were just to get your attention.  I
have a new grass user who is interested in obtaining tutorials which
are listed in the "See Also" sections of the User's Reference manual.
Specifically, the r.mapcalc tutorials by Michael Shapiro and Marji
Larson in the r.mapcalc section of the User's Guide.  

Is there a standard procedure for obtaining these tutorials and 
others listed in the User's Guide?  Or do you know how they can be 

Thank you.

-Stephen Dzurenko
 Ocean Mapping Division
 Ocean Technology Center 
 Graduate School of Oceanography
 University of Rhode Island

 ph: 401 792-6879
 fx: 401 792-6849
 e-mail: steve at ocean.oce.uri.edu

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