Intergraph to grass

Teresa Hansen teresa at
Wed Oct 12 19:25:39 EDT 1994

In response to Bart Cosyn's query:

I haven't heard of a direct conversion from Intergraph to GRASS (even thought INtergraph says they have one).  

I have successfully imported into GRASS DXF files that were generated from INtergraph data.  There are a few things to watch - such as making sure attribute (labels files in DXF format, I think ???) data comes in okay.  But overall I was really happy with the results.  It may be an option for you if you cannot go directly from Intergraph to GRASS.

Teresa Hansen, CSC
  Fort Lewis, Washington

> Hi Grassers,
> We want to export a project and some files from Intergraph (clix) to 
> a grass project and files for a silicon. According to the manuals 
> from MGE (intergraphs GIS application) we have to define
> GISRC in the .profile in which we tell MGE where the parameter file 
> for the MAPSET and LOCATION and the GISBASE is! Problem is it does 
> not work!
> I acn imagine one of the problems! Namely the project and the 
> appropriate subdirectories do not exist yet. Do we have to create them?
> 				Bart
> PS: my project needs a lot of exchange between different systems and 
> countrys but the central gis is grass! 
> So this question looks a bit strange!
> **************************************************************************
> 	Ir. Bart Cosyn
> 	EC- Environment project
> 	CRS4
> 	Environmental modelling group
> 	Via Nazario Sauro, 10
> 	Tel +/39/70/2796278
> 	Fax +/39/70/2796216
> 	E-mail: bcosyn at
> **************************************************************************

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