v.import/v.in.dlg omission of point elevations

John Mackenzie john at moose.ags.udel.edu
Fri Oct 14 15:40:56 EDT 1994

Dear Rasterfarians:

In importing DLG hypsography files, neither v.import
nor v.in.dlg appears to bring in the point elevations.
Is there an easy way to get these imported too?

I have been learning a lot of awk extracting the points
from the raw DLG file separately and appending them to
the ascii version of the GRASS hypso file or bringing them
in as sites, but this is kind of a pain in the butt.

For making DEM's, having the OPTION of bringing in the 
points or not would be really nice.  You could evaluate
the accuracy of the r.surf.contour interpolation (done without 
them) versus the points, or include them in interpolation.

John Mackenzie
U. of Delaware

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