
Kurt Schwehr schwehr at CS.Stanford.EDU
Wed Oct 19 17:58:25 EDT 1994

In info.grass.user you write:

>i have setup the <x0> driver for d.mon but i get two sets of errors when i
>try to run it. The first batch is from within grass itself and it is:
>   Xlib: connection to "0.0" refused by server
>   Xlib: Client in not authorized to connect to server
>   Graph_Set: cant open :0.0

you need to type:
man xhost

and then read the documentation.
or if you want a quick fix, try:

xhost +

But this is slightly dangerous... anyone can connect to your x windows display
then which is a security hazard.

Best of luck,

Kurt Schwehr                                     Senior, Stanford University
schwehr at cs.stanford.edu                          Computer Science && Geology
or kurt at cs.stanford.edu				 + CS coterminal masters...

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