Compilation report, as promised
Grass package
grass at
Thu Oct 20 07:22:25 EDT 1994
Following email by Darrell McCauley, who wanted to know why lots of
prospective grass users were installing binaries instead of compiling from
source code, I decided to take up the challenge and have a go at compiling
grass4.1.3 (main and alpha source only) for Solaris 2.3. I had no previous
experience with compilation. The following report may, I hope, tempt
others into compiling grass for themselves...
1. You really need the installation guide to do this. It is available by
anonymous FTP from the moon, directory grass/grass4.1/documents, file First problem: you need to know how to unpack and
print files like these. Use uncompress and a PostScript printer.
2. The installation guide assumes that you already have a tape with the
Grass source code and sample data on it, and provides detailed instruc-
tions to load these into your computer. It doesn't tell you that, and
how, you can FTP grass source from the moon. My source came from tape,
and was loaded by a systems manager, so I cannot comment on this part
of the installation guide.
3. The compilation proper (section 7 of the installation guide) starts
with the running of the setup script. In order to be able to answer all
its questions about your system, you must either know A LOT about it,
or enlist the help of a systems manager. Go through the sample header
files provided in section 17.8 of the installation guide with him/her,
and MAKE SURE that the variables set during setup are correct, ie do
the paths and libraries really exist? Best thing would be to run the
setup script in the presence of a systems manager. When the script has
run, check the contents of the header file in the src/CMD/head direc-
tory and discuss anything you don't understand with the systems
manager before you continue with the next step.
4. Section 7.4 of the installation guide contains two slight errors. The
command to determine the architecture name should read:
gmake4.1 -sh | grep ARCH
and the local.example file actually lists DIGITIZER drivers instead of
display drivers.
5. Section 7.6 of the installation guide contains an error. In a Bourne
shell, output is captured with:
sh GISGEN 2>&1 | tee /tmp/GISGEN.out
ie there is NO space before the ampersand. Also, this section does not
mention that re-running GISGEN, or resuming compilation by skipping a
failed directory, will overwrite your GISGEN.out file unless you
specify a new name for it.
6. When compilation fails for a particular tool, you may decide to skip
it because you don't think you'll ever need it. In such a case, you
should always note exactly what went wrong with the compilation at this
point, because the same error may occur later on with a tool that you
DO need.
7. Many useful programs are NOT in the main or alpha sections of Grass.
Unfortunately, the installation guide is very brief about these, and
basically tells you that you're on your own now and can only hope that
installation guidance has been provided in some README. It's well
worth trying to compile contributed, related, garden, or incoming
software simply by FTPing it to its proper directory and running gmake4.1
in it though. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
8. Section 8 of the installation guide twice mentions the automatic creation
of fifo pipes for graphics communication (page 14, note 12 and page 15,
note 1). I'm not entirely sure this is correct - in any case GISGEN did
not overwrite the existing fifos with new ones.
9. Section 9 of the installation guide could be a bit more explicit about
the fact that you should copy the digcap.sample file to a new file
called digcap (not digitcap as I did, analogous to the monitorcap file
created in section 8), then uncomment the relevant lines.
10. I have not configured any digitizer or paint drivers, either locally or
remote, so I can't comment on this part of the installation.
11. Loading the sample databases and moving existing grass data to their
correct location in the new grass4.1 tree was no problem at all.
12. Cleaning up object files and source code as suggested in section 15 of
the installation manual also posed no problem.
13. All in all, provided that you and you system manager took the trouble
to find out about all the setup variables, the installation should not
take more than about 2 hours. I did not do this, and spent 4 days
just figuring out what all the error messages meant, and eventually got
Darell McCauley and Jan Hartmann to help me out... Thanks again!
14. If I may make a suggestion to the people behind grassbug at zorro, it
seems clear that the main hurdle for inexperienced users to compile
grass is the setup script, which requires rather intimate knowledge of
the operating system. Could the script be extended to help you find out
about your own system, for instance by searching for EXTRALIBS that
might be used during the installation?
15. I append the header file that I ended up using. Perhaps others compi-
ling grass for Solaris 2.3 can use it:
CC = gcc
GISBASE = /home2/anh/grass/grass4.1
UNIX_BIN = /users/anh/grass/bin
DEFAULT_DATABASE = /users/anh/grass/data
XINCPATH = -I/opt/X11/include
XLIBPATH = -L/opt/X11/lib
XTLIBPATH = -L/opt/X11/lib
XLIB = -lX11
XTLIB = -lXt
XEXTRALIBS = -lsocket -lnsl
TERMLIB = -ltermlib
CURSES = -lcurses $(TERMLIB)
LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?
Martijn van Leusen
Birmingham University Field Archaeology Unit
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