Grass4.1 compilation error

Alain TOURET touret at
Wed Oct 26 06:01:20 EDT 1994


compilation failed under my system:
 - sun sparc 10 work station,
 - SunOS Release 4.1.3_U1
 - gcc version 2.6.0
 - shell "bash"

details about the context follow.

dialog during setup:
	I will check the loader flags now
	Please watch for error messages
>>	ld: Undefined symbol
>>	   mcount
>>	collect2: ld returned 2 exit status

	Check complete
	Any problems? y
	XCFLAGS [ ] : -
and then the script resumed. but compilation failed.
result of setup:
	CC                  = gcc
	COMPILE_FLAGS       = -O2 -g -p
	LDFLAGS             = 
	MATHLIB             = -lm
	TERMLIB             = -ltermlib
	CURSES              = -lcurses

	XLIB                = -lX11
	XTLIB               = -lXt
	XMLIB               = -lXm
>>	XCFLAGS             =
	XLDFLAGS            =
	XINCPATH            =
	XMINCPATH           =
	XLIBPATH            = /usr/X11/lib
	XTLIBPATH           = /usr/X11/lib
	XMLIBPATH           = /usr/X11/lib
	XEXTRALIBS          =

	UNIX_BIN            = /usr/local/bin
	GISBASE             = /tools/grass4.1/sun4
	SRC                 = /tools/grass4.1/src

	DEFAULT_DATABASE    = /tools/grass4.1/databases
	DEFAULT_LOCATION    = spearfish

and messages at compilation time:
	GISGEN: src/display/devices/monitorcap - Tue Oct 25 17:15:47 WET 1994

	  mkdir OBJ.sun4
	  make -f OBJ.sun4/make.rules

	sed -e s:BASEDIR:/tools/grass4.1/sun4:g monitorcap > /tools/grass4.1/sun4/etc/moncap.sample

	GISGEN: src/fonts/for_grass - Tue Oct 25 17:15:49 WET 1994

	  mkdir OBJ.sun4
	  make -f OBJ.sun4/make.rules

	rm -f splitfont font_2_bin font.bin
	rm -rf /tools/grass4.1/sun4/fonts
	mkdir /tools/grass4.1/sun4/fonts
	rm -f OBJ.sun4/splitfont.o
	gcc -O2 -g -p  -I/tools/grass4.1/src/include  -c splitfont.c
	mv splitfont.o OBJ.sun4/splitfont.o
	rm -f OBJ.sun4/fontmap.o
	gcc -O2 -g -p  -I/tools/grass4.1/src/include  -c fontmap.c
	mv fontmap.o OBJ.sun4/fontmap.o
	gcc -s OBJ.sun4/splitfont.o OBJ.sun4/fontmap.o -o splitfont
>>	ld: Undefined symbol
>>	   mcount
>>	collect2: ld returned 2 exit status
	*** Error code 1
	make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `splitfont'
	GISGEN failure at STEP: src/fonts/for_grass

please note that:

Can you help me?

Other questions:
 - I have X11R4, and openwindows installed, I uncommented the XINCPATH and 
   XLIBPATH in src/display/devices/XDRIVER/XDRIVER/Gmakefile, will we be able
   to use the generated drivers under X11R4 ?
 - this warning is often produced by gcc, 
gcc -O2 -g -p  -I/tools/grass4.1/src/include  -c V_call.c
V_call.c:390: warning: `fmt' was declared implicitly `extern' and later `static'
V_call.c:409: warning: `centered' was declared implicitly `extern' and later `static'

Thank you for your help.
			Alain Touret
			Ecole des Mines de Paris
			BP 207

			email: touret at
			tel: (33) 93 95 74 86
			tel: (33) 93 95 75 61
			fax: (33) 93 65 43 04

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