rant about r.proj, etc
Simon Cox
s.cox at dem.csiro.au
Sun Sep 11 22:42:08 EDT 1994
I've just realised that Darrell McCauley's s.sample program solves the
r.proj problem! It might still be a bit involved, but the general flow
would be:
(i) in GRASS in the NEW projection, use r.stats -1gz to generate a list of
desired cell locations. Cell values will not be used so any layer can be
(ii) outside of GRASS use proj to convert this to a site list in the old
(iii) in GRASS in the OLD projection use s.sample to generate a list of
values at the positions in the site-list
(iv) edit/awk this so that it can be swallowed by r.in.ascii - a small
program might have to be written to make this quick
(v) in GRASS in the NEW projection run r.in.ascii.
Darrell has kindly implemented bilinear, nearest-neighbour and cubic
interpolators, and since it works in the "implicity indexed" raster domain,
it will run quick.
It is just staring you in the face sometimes, isn't it!
Simon Cox
Dr Simon Cox __ \
CSIRO Exploration & Mining ,~' L_|\ Australian
39 Fairway, PO Box 437, ;-' \ Geodynamics
Nedlands, WA 6009 Australia ( \ Cooperative
Phone +61 9 389 8421 + ___ / Research
Fax +61 9 389 1906 L~~' "\__/ Centre
s.cox at dem.csiro.au 7
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