Nancy H. Greeley ngreeley at crrel41.crrel.usace.army.mil
Thu Sep 29 16:35:21 EDT 1994

I have very specific, very detailed questions about ALASKA 250K DEMs which
I have gotten off the USGS ftp server and need to import into GRASS.  I
have tried for a very long time to import them into GRASS and only reached
high degrees of failure.  Is there anyone in "earshot" who has worked with
the Alaska DEMs to whom I could direct my questions?  I emphasize ALASKA (I
repeat, ALASKA) DEMs because they are different from all other DEMs,
apparently (I think).

I will be happy, (nay, Joyful!) to summarize final answers for the list.
Thank you.

Nancy Humiston Greeley, GIS Coordinator
Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
Hanover, NH   03755
603-646-4582(office)  -4100(page)  -4600(message) -4658(fax)
u2is9nhg at crrel41.crrel.usace.army.mil

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