patching fields to an ortho background

Rebecca Scheckler rebecca at
Mon Apr 24 08:00:00 EDT 1995

      I need to create maps of farms where the fields are colored according
to crop and everything patched back together with an orthographic
background. The way I have done this is to reclass and mask the fields and
background separately and then patch them all together.
        This works except that I lose resolution in the ortho background
and do not get the entire range of gray scale that I want.  That result
makes sense since I have reclassed the background to fewer categories.  Has
anyone figured a way of doing this without losing the detail of the ortho
image?  I would greatly appreciate seeing some sample code if you have
succeeded in this task

  Rebecca Scheckler                        rebecca at
  Information Systems and Insect Studies   phone: 703-231-7216
  Virginia Tech                            fax: 703-231-9131
  202 Price Hall
  Blacksburg, VA 24061-0319

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