your mail

Casey Claiborne mskc at
Sat Aug 19 08:00:00 EDT 1995

Hello and thank you for helping me :-)

>> (State)LOCATIONS - Texas, California, New York, etc.
>Again, these are directory names, and must follow appropriate UNIX naming 
>conventions. Whether or not you could use a single state for each 
>LOCATION depends upon your map projection. For state plane, this would 
>not work, as many states have more than one zone. For example, Arkansas 
>would require two distinct LOCATIONS in state plane, as there are two 
>zones. UTM has similar problems, depending on the state. If you have not 
>already done so, you need to learn about datums, ellipsoids & geoids, and 

>projections - this is true for any GIS system.

Where could I locate such information? 


One must note the importance of setting reasonable and achievable goals for
                    "If you aim for nothing, you'll hit it every time" 
                               -Theodore Roosevelt

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