Integration in a DSS

Mike Bender mike at
Wed Aug 9 08:00:00 EDT 1995

I have been using Grass 4.1 on its own, using command line codes.  I go
through the normal prompting upon typing 'grass4.1 <Enter>' such as
database and mapset.  Now I need to integrate the execution of grass
tools and display capabilities into a small decision support system

My question is how to start grass up without the interactive prompting
for database and mapset?  An alternative question is: how can I have
access to grass commands and displays from my other modules without a
bunch of programming on the grass source code?

(I am using Neuron Data's SmartElements to build expert system
knowledge bases, develop graphical user interfaces, and provide access
to relational databases.  The expert system shell allows me to execute
external UNIX commands from the knowledge bases)

I can't seem to find anything in the manuals.
If anybody could help, I would be forever in their debt.

Mike Bender
Facility for Intelligent Decision Support in Water Resources
Civil & Geological Engineering
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2, CANADA

(204) 474-6746 [phone]
(204) 261-9534 [fax]

mike at

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