Problem with r.line

Sylke Knust sylke at
Wed Aug 2 08:00:00 EDT 1995

Dear GRASS User,

After using r.thin I tried to run r.line to convert
raster maps to vector lines.
r.line worked without any error messages but the output
vector map contains just half or one third of the input
I tried the command with three different maps, but I 
always got no correct output map.

Has anybody had this problem before ? 
Is there a limit of input data for r.line ?
Or is there another way to get a correct conversion ?

Please send mail to:

sylke at


| Sylke Knust                                           |
| Institute for Geography - Dpt. of Landscape Ecology   |
| University of Muenster, Germany                       |
|                                                       |
| D-48149 Muenster, Kleimannstrasse 5                   |
|                                                       |
| e-mail: sylke at                   |
| phone   : +49-251-298535    fax: +49-251-271698       |
|                                                       |

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