Implementation of DRASTIC in GRASS
Dr. Antonio Lo Porto
loporto at
Thu Dec 14 07:00:00 EST 1995
Dear Alejandro,
we did some work with DRASTIC.
We studied the growndwater vulnerability of the LUCCA plain (Tuscany -
Italy) in an area of about 200 km2.
The DRASTIC classes were overlaid on actual and planned landuse maps to
highlight the "geological settings x landuse" worse combinations where
detailed management models had to be run.
The DRASTIC model were obtained using both IDRISI (for DOS) and GRASS (on
Linux). We did not use particular scripts using r.mapcalc and we found
GRASS to be quite powerful, a little bit less user-friendly than IDRISI
(but we were then newcomers in the GRASS world), but infinitely more
effective than IDRISI as regarding printing (....ok, it was an unfair play!).
Please let me know if you need more infos.
Antonio Lo Porto
Dr.Antonio Lo Porto - Researcher
Water Research Institute - National Research Council (IRSA-CNR)
Phone +39 80 5313354 - Fax +39 80 5313365
Via De Blasio, 5 - 70123 BARI ITALY
Email loporto at - OR mc4410 at
The above points of view are just mine and not my employer's ones,
although they should be.
On Tue, 12 Dec 1995, Alejandro Hinojosa Corona wrote:
> Hello:
> Has someone implemented succesfully the DRASCTIC model
> for vulnerability of groundwater to
> contamination in grass? I will like to hear
> your experiences.
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