Orientation system

Simon Cox S.Cox at solo.ned.dem.csiro.au
Fri Dec 8 07:00:00 EST 1995

At 2:00 PM 7/12/95, Hal Mueller wrote:
>I'm not so sure it's clockwise.  If I have perfectly horizontal text,
>it seems counterintuitive that "increase the angle by 30 degrees"
>should make the text run downhill.  If your users have a significant
>math background, they might expect you to follow _that_ convention

There are two conventions:

mathematicians have zero along y=0 and increment ccw
Geographers use "azimuth" with zero to the north and increment cw

As a famous ex-prime-minister of Australia (oxymoron?) once said
"Life wasn't meant to be easy!"

Simon Cox

Dr Simon Cox                        __  \
CSIRO Exploration & Mining       ,~'  L_|\    Australian
39 Fairway, PO Box 437,       ;-'         \   Geodynamics
Nedlands, WA  6009  Australia (            \  Cooperative
      Phone +61 9 284 8443    +    ___     /  Research
      Fax   +61 9 389 1906     L~~'   "\__/   Centre
simon at ned.dem.csiro.au                   W
AGCRC info>>   http://www.ned.dem.csiro.au/AGCRC/

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