dlg's, standard/optional format

Jim Stafford jimstaff at freenet.columbus.oh.us
Thu Dec 7 07:00:00 EST 1995

Thanks for your reply to my inquiry. Since no one replied that a solution
exists for importing dlg3 standard format files into grass I have
developed a routine that converts dlg3 standard ascii files to dlg3
optional ascii files.  So far I've imported a number of USGS dlg3 standard
format files with good success using v.import after converting with my
program.  If any one else needs this capability, let me know and I will
ftp the compressed c source code to grass/incoming at CERL.  All you
need to use the program is a c compiler.  
Jim Stafford
NRCS, Ohio   

> > Last year (Oct.14, 1994) Paul Loechl wrote to this list:
> > "Has anyone developed a way to successfully import DLG Standard format
> > files into Grass?  the Grass tool v.in.dlg works for optional format files
> > but not standard format."
> > 
> > There were either no replies, or I missed them.  Has anyone provided a
> > solution to date?
> > 
> > Thanks in advance.
> > Jim Stafford
> > Ohio NRCS
> Can't answer the question, but if someone wants to write one, a good 
> description of standard, optional, and graphical DLG (I think DLG-3) 
> formats can be found in the document 
> ftp://spectrum.xerox.com/ds9/map/dlg/1:2,000,000/usa/doc/dlgguide.txt.Z.
> Eric

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