Location and Mapset access for user groups

Dave Barnes barnesd at lab.cc.wmich.edu
Tue Dec 5 07:00:00 EST 1995

        A seemingly simple issue has passed the "I've spent ten hours and 
checked with the local SYS ADMIN" test so here goes.
        I am trying to provide access to a GISDBASE, LOCATION and MAPSET
that I own for the members of my user group in a UNIX network
installation of GRASS. I have set appropriate permissions (even up to
universal read and write permissions on all directories!) for user group
access in all of the appropriate directories and subdirectories but user
group members are persistently (and catagorically!) denied access at the
GRASS login screen. I have also investigated the g.access command and
internal (?) GRASS permissions are (apparently) set correctly (X in the 
two appropriate lines).
        The UNIX SYS ADMIN spent a lot of time with me and found a line 
in the GRASS executible which compared the mapset owners ID with the ID 
of the user attempting to log into that mapset. They (apparently) did not 
match and the "no access" error occurs.
        What I don't understand is that the distributed Spearfish data 
set goes through a different series of prompts which allows access to the 
Spearfish mapset but in the new users defined mapset.
        Help! Do I have to copy all mapsets to all users in a work group 
in order that they have access to the mapset?..  I'm sure this is not the 
Thanks in advance.

  * My Address                                             *
  *                                                        *
  * DAVE BARNES                                            *
  * Geology Dept.                                          *
  * Western Michigan University                            *
  * Kalamazoo, MI 49008                                    *
  *                                                        *
  * email address                                          *
  *                                                        *
  * barnesd at lab.cc.wmich.edu                               *

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